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Aura Corporation

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The Start of Our Journey.

Beginning September 2023, Aura Corporation, headquartered in Corona, New York, launched its S-Corporation, a digital communications technology start-up that designs, develops, markets, and sells the world’s first virtual studio, the Icon.

Mountain Cliff Hiker



Vulnerability. Integrity. Dignity. Discovery.


"To inspire every person to connect to the digital world with their best impressions, through innovative tools, and healthy relationships."

Aura will fulfill its mission by fostering an intimate relationship with our customers through an engaging, omni-channel strategy that creates a connected brand community. We see our purpose as integral to building a positive community where people feel respected and embraced.



Meet Our Team

The Aura workplace culture consists of authentic people in leadership, as some of its core values include diversity, collaboration, and communication, which allows for increased employee engagement in a safe environment. Healthy employee relations are focused on trust, explicit teamwork goals, and recognition. We are looking forward to the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing virtual business landscape with collaborative decision making based on trust and empathy.

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